Commemorating the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Uniga launched the RPL and Free DPP Program

             A series of celebrations for the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia as well as Welcoming new students for the 2025 class, Gajayana University (Uniga) Malang provides free Regular Undergraduate DPP for prospective students who register in August. Apart from that, Uniga will implement the Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) in accordance with the operational permit of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

In its implementation, the Free DPP was realized to provide opportunities for the public to receive education at private universities, especially at Uniga.

"We provide opportunities for the community to use Gajayana's educational services. "We are implementing this free DPP policy which will reduce prospective students' tuition fees." Said the Chancellor of Uniga, Prof. Dr. Ernani Hadiyati, SE, MS, (17/8).

Various forms of socialization and collaboration are also carried out in order to increase public attention to continue their education at the Leading and Characteristic Campus, Uniga.

Not only intended for prospective high school graduates, Uniga will also implement the RPL Program as recognition of learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal education and work experience as a basis for continuing studies based on certain qualifications.

"The operational permit for the RPL program has been issued this year and can be implemented. "Currently we will implement RPL Type A first to support market penetration and market storage regarding this RPL program," said Prof. Erna.

The aim of this RPL is none other than to provide an opportunity for prospective students who are already working to carry out a linear SKS conversion with work and job description. So that this program can support the effectiveness of students' time during their study period at Uniga.

Of course, there will be several competency certificates that are recognized to support the conversion of achievements to the Bachelor's and Master's Curriculum. Qualifications will be carried out based on a review of each study program and faculty regarding their scientific skills and abilities.

"Hopefully the Free DPP and RPL program can increase the student body of Uniga, so that it can increase the number of students this year according to our targets and expectations," continued the Chancellor of Uniga.


Uniga Commemorates Independence Day at the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony

Uniga Commemorates Independence Day at the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony

As one of the annual routine activities to commemorate the services of the heroes who fought for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Gajayana University Malang held the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony on the campus grounds. The ceremony, which was held in order to increase feelings of love for the country, was attended by the entire Uniga academic community, (17/8).

Apart from increasing the spirit of reform, the Flag Ceremony is also interpreted as a milestone in increasing innovation and university development in various aspects. This is in line with what was conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

“Indonesian independence is the fruit of a movement towards one common goal. Likewise with the ideals of advancing education and culture that we must strive for together with a spirit of mutual cooperation," said the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA, MBA, in the address of the Chancellor of Gajayana University Malang.

Commemorating Independence Day through this ceremony also makes us aware of valuable lessons in the struggle for national independence, including the importance of commitment in every struggle undertaken to achieve our goals.

"In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology for the development of advanced and developing universities, of course we are doing many things, one of which is increasing the accreditation of study programs and university institutions," said the Chancellor of Uniga, Prof. Dr. Ernani Hadiyati, SE, MS

Not only that, Prof. Erna also explained her hopes and targets for developing the University. Especially in the realm of increasing the credibility of the University, namely producing quality graduates according to student aspirations.

Gajayana University Malang-Yayasan Cakra Inti Signs Collaboration to Organize Doctoral Program in Management Science

- Indonesia University (Uniga) Malang and the Cakra Inti Indonesia Foundation officially signed a collaboration to organize a Doctoral Program in Management Science.

"This collaboration aims to expand access to higher education, especially in the field of management, within the TNI Headquarters, Police Headquarters, Regional Government, and practitioners from various national institutions," said the Chancellor of UNIGA Malang, Prof. Ernani Hadiyati.

This Doctoral Program in Management Science is designed to meet the need for experts who are able to manage effectively and strategically in various sectors important for the nation's progress.

"We are very grateful for this collaboration. This Management Science Doctoral Program will not only improve the academic and intellectual quality of students, but also support innovation in facing global challenges," said Chairman of the Cakra Inti Indonesia Foundation Mubarok.

Uniga Malang, which was founded in 1980, has graduated more than 11,000 undergraduate and postgraduate alumni with a competency-based curriculum that is in line with industry needs.

"We are committed to continuing to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process and preparing graduates who are ready to compete in the global world of work," added Prof. Ernani.

The Management Science Doctoral Program at UNIGA Malang offers excellence in learning strategic management, entrepreneurship and human resources based on digital and local wisdom.

With a comprehensive curriculum and adequate supporting facilities, such as management laboratories and a complete library, UNIGA Malang strives to become a center of academic excellence in Indonesia.

Prof. Ernani is optimistic that the opening of this Doctoral Program will make a significant contribution in creating a golden generation in 2045, in accordance with the university's vision and mission to provide the best education for students and the community. (*)

Uniga Malang Accounting Academic Community Active in International Scientific Forums

- Indonesia

MALANG CITY - Gajayana University (Uniga) Malang continues to encourage lecturers and students to be active in writing journals. As a result, a number of achievements were made in this field of scientific work. One of them is eight academic members (lecturers and students) of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Uniga who passed the blind review at the KRA XI 2024 International Conference.

Head of the Accounting Study Program FEB Uniga Dra Fahmi Purnamawati MM AkCA said that since Initially, students were encouraged to write written works through several courses. "So if there are titles proposed that are interesting, we will immediately contact them and encourage them to submit them to the international conference," he said. Uniga regularly participates in the KRA International Conference. This year Uniga was one of the co-hosts of the event which was attended by hundreds of universities in Indonesia and abroad. "The number who passed this year also increased from last year's 7 students and lecturers," he added.

At the conference, the participants will present the results of their respective papers. The conference will be held at Untag Surabaya on July 17. Uniga fully supports these activities. Based on the Minister of Education and Culture's Regulation, students who pass the international conference will be free from final assignments. He added, FEB Uniga students can transfer their theses to journals that are at least Sinta 5 accredited. So students can start writing journal articles from the beginning of the semester. This is done in line with the demands of the Accounting study program as a study program with a superior predicate.

Apart from that, as academics, writing skills are very important to have. "So far, students have taken research references from outside, if we had lots of research journals it would "It's easy for Uniga students to use themselves," he added. (dur/adn)


Eid al-Adha celebrations at Gajayana University Malang

- Indonesia

Coinciding with Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah which falls on June 17 2024, Gaja Yana University (Uniga) Malang carried out the slaughter of sacrificial animals on Tuesday, June 18 2024. Two sacrificial cows were slaughtered behind the Postgraduate Building, which was attended by the Vice Chancellor, sacrificial participants, to students.

Deputy Chancellor II for Student Affairs, Dr. Djuni Farhan, S.E., M.Si., said that approximately 300 packages of sacrificial meat for Eid al-Adha this time would be distributed to all Uniga residents and surrounding communities.

The slaughter of sacrificial animals begins at 07.00 WIB and runs smoothly until the end. Not only that, to further strengthen togetherness, a group meal was held after the procession of slaughtering the sacrificial animal.

“We always hope that there will be developments. "Hopefully in the following year, the number of animals sacrificed can increase so that meat distribution can reach more people," continued Dr. Djuni

Sacrifice has many lessons for Muslims who believe in and carry it out. Sacrifice is one way to get closer to God during the Eid al-Adha holiday. Sacrifice is the main practice of Eid al-Adha by slaughtering animals that meet the requirements for sacrifice. Apart from that, the Eid al-Adha moment also teaches the values ​​of sincerity, patience, obedience and the value of sharing. (key)

Increasing Competency, UNIGA Communication Science Students Conduct Media Visits

- Indonesia

Towards the end of the even semester at Gajayana University (Uniga) Malang, students of the Communication Science Study Program (Prodi) Semester 4 made a media visit in an effort to find out the work ethic of a Public Relations (PR) person to several institutions, namely: Kompas TV East Java, the National Narcotics Agency and Marvell City Mall. Some of the media visited were Kompas Tv East Java, National Narcotics Agency (BNN), and Marvell City Mall Surabaya (13/6).

"This time it was in Surabaya because we wanted to compare the differences with Malang City through PR practitioners, especially regarding work culture. "This visit is also to support the Final Semester Examination scores through travel resumes and written tests later," said Ifrani Dzukhrufillah, S.Sos., M.I.Kom., Lecturer in the Personality Integrity Course.

Apart from that, he also said that it was hoped that this media visit could be a forum for students to open their eyes about the role of PR which can enter all lines of business, the work of a PR person who occupies a crucial position in a company, and find out what the integrity of a PR person is.

“Welcome and thank you for being willing to stop by here. "With this discussion, hopefully there will be something that becomes an insight, something that you receive in your subconscious and then you will be convinced of the background of why you persist in Communication Studies and solidify your aspirations as a Public Relations person," said Fajar, Manager of Marvell City Mall Surabaya.

Not only that, the Head of the Surabaya City BNN General Subdivision, Agus Khoirul Huda, admitted that he was very happy to be visited and share knowledge about the role of public relations in BNN, social media literacy, Information Communication and Education (KIE), as well as drug distribution and abuse. He also expressed his hopes regarding this visit.

"All the way from Malang to Surabaya, hopefully we will get benefits and can have a positive impact on BNN, Uniga so that we can establish further collaboration in the future," said Agus Khoirul Huda. (key)

Holding Past Learning Recognition Socialization, Uniga Ready to Implement SIERRA

- Indonesia

Located in the Postgraduate Hall, Building C, Gajayana University (Uniga) Malang, all University Leaders, Deans, Heads of Study Programs, and Prospective Assessors took part in the Socialization of Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). This activity was held to improve the quality and entity of prospective students who wish to pursue further education at Uniga with the effectiveness of their lecture period.

Apart from being a requirement for the administration of private universities, this RPL socialization refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 2021 concerning Recognition of Past Learning, and Regulations, as well as Regulation of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology number 162/E /KPT/2022 of 2022 concerning Technical Instructions for the Implementation of Postgraduate Studies in Universities that Provide Academic Education.

Acting as a speaker in this socialization is Dr. Drs. Amirul Mustafa., M.Si. (Deputy Chancellor 1 of Dr. Soetomo University). RPL Manager at Dr. University. Soetomo conveyed the essence regarding the E-Recommendation System for Recognition of Past Academic Learning (SIERRA)

"We are trying to learn from Dr. Soetomo University which has implemented RPL for 1.5 years, what is the overall picture of its practice in the field, especially the 2 main parts related to organization, regulations, and including the technical operations of SIERRA," said the Deputy Chancellor 1 for Field Academic and General, Drs. Gunadi, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Furthermore, Dr. Amirul Mustafa in his presentation emphasized the importance of collaboration between faculties and universities. Recognition of Past Learning is the solution taken to accommodate prospective students who are already working to continue their education through conversion to the Semester Credit System (SKS). (key)