Commemorating the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Uniga launched the RPL and Free DPP Program

             A series of celebrations for the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia as well as Welcoming new students for the 2025 class, Gajayana University (Uniga) Malang provides free Regular Undergraduate DPP for prospective students who register in August. Apart from that, Uniga will implement the Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) in accordance with the operational permit of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

In its implementation, the Free DPP was realized to provide opportunities for the public to receive education at private universities, especially at Uniga.

"We provide opportunities for the community to use Gajayana's educational services. "We are implementing this free DPP policy which will reduce prospective students' tuition fees." Said the Chancellor of Uniga, Prof. Dr. Ernani Hadiyati, SE, MS, (17/8).

Various forms of socialization and collaboration are also carried out in order to increase public attention to continue their education at the Leading and Characteristic Campus, Uniga.

Not only intended for prospective high school graduates, Uniga will also implement the RPL Program as recognition of learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal education and work experience as a basis for continuing studies based on certain qualifications.

"The operational permit for the RPL program has been issued this year and can be implemented. "Currently we will implement RPL Type A first to support market penetration and market storage regarding this RPL program," said Prof. Erna.

The aim of this RPL is none other than to provide an opportunity for prospective students who are already working to carry out a linear SKS conversion with work and job description. So that this program can support the effectiveness of students' time during their study period at Uniga.

Of course, there will be several competency certificates that are recognized to support the conversion of achievements to the Bachelor's and Master's Curriculum. Qualifications will be carried out based on a review of each study program and faculty regarding their scientific skills and abilities.

"Hopefully the Free DPP and RPL program can increase the student body of Uniga, so that it can increase the number of students this year according to our targets and expectations," continued the Chancellor of Uniga.


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